After many years of searching

I finally cracked the code for change

I’ve always had an insatiable appetite for learning. Learning about people, about change, about learning itself.

But, learning to be happy, motivated, comfortable in my own skin? Those lessons always eluded me, like a code I could never crack.

And I searched high and low. In far more than my share of books, courses and certifications. In coaches, therapists, western and natural medicine, diets and exercise programs, energy healers and more

Yet nothing I tried could ‘fix’ or change me into the confident, contented person I was so desperate to become.

Eventually I realised, searching outside myself could never yield the results I yearned for. And finally, I understood. The only true keys to my lasting health, happiness and freedom were to be found, quite literally, in the mind under the matter. In the thousands of tiny thoughts and decisions I made every single day.

I had to change my inside world before my outside world could follow.

Today, gladly, I no longer look to others to change, ‘fix’ or ‘heal’ me. I know I can change, for the better and for good. In safe and sustainable ways.

And I really did crack the code. Because today, I also know how. 



Get to know me a bit better

Get to know me a bit better


Linda Robyn Hypnotherapy


inner peace & Calm

Achieve deep relaxation and embed regenerative stress management practices to set, stabilise and sustain inner peace and calm. These inner resources are the necessary first step: essential for your healing, wellbeing and vitality – and achieving the goals and results you desire.


Trauma & Suffering

Traumas, grief, adversity, illness and pain require a great deal of survival energy that could otherwise be devoted to living and thriving. Integrate clinical hypnotherapy with brief, solution-focused therapies (EMDR, EMI, Family Constellations, Rapid Core Healing) to resolve and release traumas at their core.


Healthy Mindset & Habits

Transform unhelpful patterns such as those driven by fear, shame, doubt and self-sabotage. Replace them with self-empowering beliefs and mindsets, and embed healthy habits that promote mental and emotional freedom. Create the life your heart desires – what you believe, you really can achieve.

Credentials & Qualifications

Know you're in safe hands


  • Eye Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR) & Psychological Trauma 

  • Rapid Core Healing

  • Systemic Family Constellations (with advanced trainings in Health, Business and Systemic Couples Therapy)

  • Emotional Mind Integration (EMI)

  • DeTrauma Technique™

  • Core Evolution (Class 2025)

  • Gestalt Therapy (Training Year 1)

  • David Kessler Grief Educator

  • Fertile Body Therapist 

  • PSYCH-K® Master Facilitator

  • HeartMath® Certified

  • Coach/Mentor 

  • Certified Executive, Life & Wellness Coach 

  • Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner 

  • Mindfulness (Meditation) Teacher

  • Conversational Hypnosis 

  • Corporate & leadership psychometric assessments (several – ask me!) 


  • Australian Hypnotherapy Association Professional Member (PM2022510) 

  • Australian Society of Clinical Hypnotherapy Intern Member (2337WA) 

  • Guild of Australian Hypnotherapists Provisional Clinical Member (2023030) 

  • International Systemic Constellations Association (55727676) 

  • European Association of Body Psychotherapists (Student Member 1676) 

  • Blue Knot Foundation – Professional Member


  • Diploma in Clinical Hypnotic Sciences 

  • Diploma of Vocational Education & Training 

  • Diploma of Training Design 

  • Diploma Professional Styling 


  • Cert IV Professional Coach (Life Coaching)  

  • Cert IV Training & Assessment  

  • Bachelor of Commerce (HRM, Mgt, IR) 

  • Cert III Fitness 

  • Cert II Retail Make Up and Skincare

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