Mind-body musings

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Woman attending virtual hypnotherapy

What is hypnotherapy?

February 10, 20233 min read

“Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.” - Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati


If you’re thinking hypnotherapy might be for you, it’s good to know some things you can reasonably expect. Though no two journeys are the same, understanding some basic principles can help you ease your mind and look forward to your session.

Woman in hypnosis in virtual hypnotherapy

Attend hypnotherapy in the comfort of your own home 👏 #winning

What is hypnotherapy?

At its most basic, hypnotherapy is a powerful form of therapy that takes place while the client is under a relaxed state of consciousness. While your creative, clever, analytical conscious mind is occupied in an enjoyable state of relaxation, communication can take place directly with the subconscious mind in ways that can help you to achieve your goals.

Hypnotherapy supports clients to learn from, process, resolve and heal things such as grief, traumas, fears and phobias and significant experiences and situations, so that they can create resourceful new perspectives and improve their quality of life.

How does it work?

Hypnosis, or the act of inducing one into a state of trance, is performed to achieve a state of deep relaxation. Generally, you will be lying down or with your neck supported in a comfortable seated position, whether you attend your session in-person or virtually. The hypnotherapist will invite you to relax, take some deep breaths and then guide you with suggestive statements into trance. From there, your therapist will help you to facilitate communication with your unconscious to help you achieve your desired results.

What is hypnotherapy used for?

Hypnotherapy is used for reasons wide and varied, with potential applications seemingly endless! Some of more common reasons are listed below in alphabetical order:

  • Addictions (e.g. smoking, emotional eating)

  • Anxiety and panic attacks

  • Autoimmune relief

  • Bad habits

  • Chronic pain

  • Confidence and self esteem

  • Decision making

  • Depression

  • Emotional regulation

  • Fears and phobias

  • General wellbeing and resilience

  • Grief and loss

  • Guilt and shame

  • Habitual thinking

  • Healing and recovery (e.g. surgery)

  • Infertility and IVF support

  • Insomnia and sleep disorders

  • Learning

  • Libido

  • Mental clarity

  • Perfectionism

  • Nightmares and night terrors

  • Reframing negative beliefs

  • Significant life changes (e.g. separation, new job, etc)

  • Stress reduction

  • Trauma and sexual abuse

  • Weight loss

There are many more! Have you experienced hypnotherapy for reasons other than the above?

Reach out and we’ll add it in!

Who is hypnotherapy good for?

Countless people, far, wide and from an extensive range of backgrounds and situations have experienced wide-ranging benefits from hypnotherapy. There is no one person or ‘type’ – so like the saying goes, you never really know until you give it a go.

Is hypnotherapy ever contraindicated, or not recommended?

Yes, there a few known and documented conditions for which hypnotherapy is not advised. Make sure you’re working with trained professionals at all times and if they advise hypnotherapy is not for you, please don’t take it personally.

These include for those with specific diagnoses, including (not limited to): epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, psychotic disorders and some brain injuries.

What hypnotherapy is not.

Hypnotherapy is not ‘mind reading’ and you will not ‘squawk like a chicken’ or ‘hop on one foot’ (we don’t need hypnotherapy for that!) These are common misconceptions understood from the ‘abracadabra’ style hypnosis-as-entertainment – and not of the therapeutic clinical hypnotherapy.

That being said, it’s important to recognise that hypnotherapy, including clinical hypnotherapy, is not medical expertise and your therapist will not at any stage provide you medical advice.

At certain times, for certain goals and when working with specific conditions (including if you are pregnant or on certain prescribed medications), your therapist may request you seek medical advice.

Make sure you’re working with trained professionals at all times and if they request you seek medical advice to ensure safety to proceed, please oblige accordingly.

Your safety is paramount.

So there you have it!

The 411 on hypnotherapy.

I hope it helps you reduce any anxiety around your upcoming session, so that you can approach it with both optimism and enthusiasm.

All the best for your journey.

LR x

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Linda Ruiter-Dawson

Hi! Linda Ruiter-Dawson here, clinical hypnotherapist, life & wellness coach and Jill of many a modality. Passionate about life, vitality, health and healing.

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